Thursday, March 27, 2008

You can't hit on girls on the move...

Its some funny law but its weird that when I'm on the metro or walking on the street, and some cute girl gives you the look... its like you can't talk to her. Case in point, I'm on the way to or from work on the metro and some cutie gives you 'the look' You exchange smiles, you awkwardly look away blah blah blah.. but doesn't it feel kinda of awkward on your morning or afternoon commute to come to a girl and start spittin game? It does to me... This has happened several times since moving to the city. Its like you're interrupting them, or its like they in work mode and you talking all nice and smooth makes it seem kind of silly. But then again, I'm not really trying to put the moves at 8am when the girl is sitting next to some old lady or some dude who just wants to sleep the ride to his job.... yeah, awkward.

So, the rule seems that you can only deal with girls in more stationary places... places that don't have wheels or require you to turn off your iPod to chat them up. Its quite a stupid rule as most of my 'looks' come from my ride home on the metro. But then again, maybe they know the rules too and thats why they do it...

silly social rules...

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